Monday, January 25, 2010


Marley Loves to dance just like her mommy, but she might be a little better at it then me. once again i have a cute video of her dancing but i cant upload it. sorry everyone.

Ice Cream Beard

The FamBam went to Souplantaion the other night, it w2as tons of fun. Marley did her usually eat one thing through 4 other pieces of food on the floor and smash 5 pieces of food in between the seats. she did love the kidney beans and grapes and jello, but that's about it. oh and she Loved the fresh Strawberry lemonade just like her mommy. But i think her favorite was the Ice cream( Who would guessed), She had her own little ice cream cone and ate it all on her own, I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it.

Oh My Goodness

I have no words to describe the pictures above except that my daughter is a chubalub and loves her some sweet stuff.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bath time

dont worry the cell phone is a fake

had to put this picture on here. tooo too fun.

fast asleep so adorable.

Marley loves water therefore she loves bath time. so just thought i would take a couple cute bath pictures, and then one of her after bath time fast asleep. which i need to add she is in her own bed and this does not happen very often well actually hardly never maybe once in a blue moon. but she is adorable when she is asleep.

Trampoline Fun

For Christmas Ally and Mali's Nana and Papa got them a Trampoline, i have not been on one in a long time and forgot how much fun they really are. Marley loves going on the trampoline, when she goes outside that is the first thing that she goes to. She loves having the girls chase after her and then she will chase after them. she also loves it when the girls jump and she falls over. its very funny, Marley laughs ever time she falls on the trampoline. Because the trampoline has a net its nice because i don't have to be there watching the whole time to make sure she does not fall off, Which brings me to another fun thing Marley does on the trampoline. She leans as far as she can on the net and then lets herself fall backwards onto the trampoline she starts cracking up it is very funny.

Hanging at Uncle Mikes

Marley went to her Uncle Mikes house today who is on leave right now from the Navy but is due back to Japan soon. Unfortunately no pictures were taken with Uncle Mike because she would not let him hold her but she did get to see him which is good. And I believe this was the first time he has seen her. she had lots of fun as you can see riding the quads, she is going to be an active little girl i can already tell.

Late Night

yummy peeps

her top teeth are almost all the way in. Hope the big gape does not stay.

So the other night i decided that i would let Marley stay up as late as she could last. we had lots of fun playing with toys on my bed and i let her eat some of her Christmas peeps which she LOVES, as far as that goes i think she takes after her Aunt Meygen because my sister is the only person i know who likes peeps. haha. but anyway so we played with each other all night and once again i wish i new how to get videos on her because, i have a video of my knocking her down on my bed over and over again and she is just laughing historically, but i cant get it to upload so you just get to see the pictures. She lasted till about 11:30pm and then she zonked out. it was fun staying up late with her , and i know Marley had a blast as well.

Marley Facts

So my Grandma told my mom i needed to put some of Marley first on here they are obviously a little behind in date but for those who don't know when her firsts were here they are.

First tooth- 7months

Started Crawling- 6 months?

First word-Hi- around 9 months

Started walking- one week before her 1st B-day

Words she she can say- Hi, mom, mama, dada, dog does not say the G though, hot, baby, and she kind of says bye in her own little way.

She is growing up very fast and i cant wait to see what else she starts to do. her daddy and mommy love her very much and we are very proud of her and cant wait to be more proud thought the years.

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Years 2010

snuggles with great grandma

it was stuffy and hot so marley wanted to show some skin

she noticed uncle tarren had candy.

This was Marley at midnight, i gave her a big kiss anyway.

New Years finally here we went over to the Hardin's house and hung out with family. played lots of games and ate some good food. Marley unfortunately to not make it to 12:00am she fell asleep a little after 11:00pm she almost made it but not quite. looking through the year it was a hard one but Marley defiantly made it exciting and lots of fun, Hopefully 2010 will be just as fun and exciting.

Play PLay Play

she was loving those apples

Today we went to Denise house to play with Gabriel and Kia they kids all had lots of fun. it was nice top get out of the house and the girls love being able to play with other kids. Mali was very excited to see Kia, everyone had lots of fun.

Discovering Shadows

Recently after Christmas Marley discovered she and I had shadows and she was i think excited to find this out, as we were leaving Treys Volleyball game , it was a very sunny sunshine filled day outside. As we walked out of the shade and into the sun Marley first started to walk the opposite way as she usually does then she saw she had a shadow she would bend over and touch and then just stand and look at it, it was very funny. Then she saw my shadow and she would run over too it and step on my head, then when i would move and start walking then stop, Marley screamed then chase my shadow and stand on my head again. It was very very cute and hilarious, this went on for about 5 minutes, she was having a blast with my shadow. Not to mention she was in the cutest outfit ever outfit from her papa for Christmas and shoes from her my moms old friend Jackie Moore for Christmas.

Walking Around

We were on our way to Tarren's basketball game, but it took us a little longer to walk there because a certain little girl likes to walk the opposite way that everyone else is walking which makes it a lot harder to get where you need to go. Marley so crazy but so cute. cant walk the right way EVER!!!!! but it makes for good laughs.