Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Funny Moments

MArley was throwing the ball to my Mom and I. Everytime we cought the ball Marley would jump up and down so excited, that we had caught it. I had to take a video of her and share it, becasuse it was sooo cute.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wild Animal Park

Today we went to the Wild Animal Park With Grandma, it was tons of fun. Marley loved seeing all the animals. I could not really tell what her favorite animal was but I think she liked the Meerkats a lot, she did not take her eyes off them,she continually saying "oh there so cute mommy" and at one point was trying to climb into there captivity. She thought it was really funny when they stood on their Heine legs.
We rode the Monorail which she did alright on but got a little restless towards the end. But loved seeing all the animals especially the Giraffes.

We saw Gorillas.

We saw Rhinos.

Baby Elephants.
Rode a Lion,
and a Turtle.
Pet The Deer
This Particular deer is missing one of his eyes, When i told Marley and pointed it out to her, she got up and turned around, and started to walk away. I asked her what she was doing, and she said" I'm gonna go find his eye, I'm just gonna find it." she was kicking the dirt and till she found a rock and said "Mommy I found it". I told her no that is a rock. she threw it down and was over it. It was very sweet that she wanted to find the deer's eye. She is so compassionate even with the animals.
She even got to feed the deer.
climbing on the monkeys

I unfortunately did not get the whole scenario, but just the end. The zoo Keeper tells you what is happening, but ill tell you anyway. There was a baby elephant that could not find his mommy, He started getting scared and made a trumpet nose with his trunk about 4 times. Suddenly his Momma comes from the other side of the enclosure starts making the same noise as she is running towards him trying to find him. The other elephants did not really do anything to help because apparently this happens all the time. This particular baby elephant cries wolf constantly. The rest of the elephants know that nothing is wrong therefore they don't do anything to help. If they were in the wild and there was danger, all the adult elephants would form a circle around all the baby elephants, but in this case the elephants were smart and knew that nothing was wrong, so they ignored the baby elephant and the tyrant mother elephant stomping her way threw all the others. It was very funny, I'm glad we got to see it. Elephants are my favorite animal.

St Patricks Day 2011

Today was St Patty's day, and Marley was decked in green from head to toe. Nana made Marley some awesome shamrock button socks and got her a shamrock necklace and bracelet. Unfortunately she broke the bracelet within minutes but the necklace is still in one piece. Actually its more of a head band, Marley wont wear it around her neck only on her head. She also had a cute shirt to wear that she got from her mommy, she most definitely did not get pinched that day. Unfortunately i forgot to get a cute head to toe picture of her, but i did take pictures of that day, and what we did. Happy St Patricks Day Everyone!

We played at the park for awhile

We went to the 99cent store

Mom came home that night with a Shamrock shake from McDonald's for a St. Patty day treat. for everyone. Turned out that none of us liked them, except of course Marley, so she enjoyed ending her very green day with her 5 Shamrock shakes.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dancing Girls

Marley and Malia, Love to dance, We have lots of dance parties and this is just one of the many.

Bubble Guppies Theme Somg

A new show recently came on to Nick Jr. called the Bubble Guppies (they are little Mermaids and Merboys). This is Marley's new favorite show. After the first couple times she watched it she already had the theme song memorized. If you cant understand it i will translate for you what she is saying. She is pretty much saying Bubble Guppies at the begging and then she gets to the part were each bubble guppies says their name. I'm Molly, I'm Gill, I'm Gobie, I'm Denna, I'm Una, I'm Nahni, Bubble Puppy. Te really funny part is that when the bubble Guppies say their names on the show they are all really happy, except for Nahni he says his name lower and always has a sad face on. And that's how Marley says his name very cute.

The first video she does not finish the song but the second one she does its just a little dark.

She cracks me up so much.

Bath Time with Brayden

Brayden and Cody were here over the weekend, so it was lots of fun to hang out with her and Brayden. Marley loved it too. She and Brayden had lots of fun playing with each other, and now that Brayden can walk he can keep up a little be more to Marley which is nice for Marley. Marley also enjoyed having someone to take a bath with, they splashed and talked and poured water on each other. It was lots of fun to see them and cant wait for the next time.

Me and Marely

Just a really cute picture of Marley and I. I can never get a good picture of Marley and me, because she never smiles. I finally accomplished this though, with Marley's compliance of course. So i just wanted to share it because i was so happy.


Today i took the girls and we went to the Pool and Frogs to swim for a while. The pool was heated so that was nice because it was not the most sunny morning. Marley surprised me very much. Because it was her first time this year at the pool, i figured she would be a little timid. She wasn't though, she got right in and did not even want to wear her floaties. She even went deeper then i thought she would all they way to her chest. This worried me a little because i did not have a swim suite on, so i was not in the water with her but Ally was by her side the whole time, and if need i would jump in after her with my clothes on. The girls had a bunch of fun, swimming around, it was a good time there, And I loved that the water was nice and warm , i could get use to that, cant wait for summer to really be here.

The Children's Museum

We Went to the Children's Museum today, With the girls, Ally and Mali, Nd there neighbour Leanne who has 2 boys and girl. Every one had tons of fun, I'm pretty sure that Marley enjoyed herself thoroughly. Her favorite thing she did there was paint, in fact that's all she wanted to do was paint. If i let her she would have done it all day. It was nice to go somewhere, where you did not have to tell your kids to not touch that and don't run and be carefully, so that was nice. Marley also enjoyed the bubble machine, and the kitchen area. It was a fun day, and nice to get out of the house. Will defiantly have to go there again some time.

The 2yrs and under room. This was a fun little room it had the little bug cars, to ride, fun music to dance to. big corn bags to do, something with (not sure what):). But my favorite was the light switches.

We all know how little kids love to switch the lights on and off, So i thought this was a great idea when i saw it. A line of light switches that were just at the right height for 2 year olds, and they all turned on and off about 3 different lights. It was very cool, and Marley loved it. there are only 7 in my picture but there was probably about 21 light switches all together.

Ally took Marley for a ride , on a chariot sort of car. You had to pump the handle up and down to make it go, it was fun.

The Paint. They had 2 Huge metal mountains for kids to paint as much as they wanted. Of course Marley's favorite, she painted, and Painted, and painted. I had to drag her away from it.

The Rain House. This was just a fun room for kids to run around in, but it was called the Rain House because if you were inside the House it sound like it was raining outside. It was very cool.

Bubble Mania, Marley had fun her they had a bunch of bowls to choose form with pipe cleaners in different shapes of all sizes, to blow the bubbles through.

You cant really tell but this big blue person/animal(not sure what it was), blew out bubbles too.

An Artist station, to draw on the easels. Marley loved this too. She drew and drew, did not want to leave. I have come to realize Marley is quite the artist, she loves to draw and paint, Just like her daddy hopefully she gets his artistic ability's and not mine.

It was bunch of fun there will have to go back.

Valentines Day 2011

Marley woke up on Valentines day to a wonderful surprise. She got a basket full of Valentines treats and a heart shaped Balloon that said "Be Mine". She was very excited, she loved it. And she look adorable i her Valentines shirt. Inside her Basket she got these little hearts that you use a little wooden pen to scratch them and they make different colors. She decided to do all of them and Handed them out as valentines. It was very cute, It was good day.

In her basket she received A heart straw, Valentines tattoos, Minne Mouse stick-on earrings, Hello Kitty Pez, and Some Valentine Chocolates

Nanny got her some Valentines Lolly pops and A Book called " Where Ever You are, My Love Will Find You." Which is a very sweet book.

You can see her hearts she scratched on.

One Happy Girl!