Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Marley loves to throw tantrums. and 9 out of 10 tantrums are very, very fake. On this particular day, we just got done eating lunch with Nana at Panera. Marley was walking outside when she saw some birds, Marley loves to chase the birds. As she was following the bird they went into the street. We would not let Marley walk into the street and she did not like this. So she decided to throw one of her famous tantrums. This one was particularly funny though. She will usually throw her self on the ground right away, but this time there were trees and other things in her way. So as she was crying her fake cry, you could tell that she was looking for somewhere to fall down. When she finally found a place to collapse, she slowly fell to the grown still crying and was kicking her leg up and rolling over as you can see in the pictures. It was very funny and the people sitting outside Panera had quite the laugh too.

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