Friday, September 3, 2010

Terrible Almost 2's and Stuff

So Marley i think even though not 2 for another couple months has officially entered the terrible 2's. Out of the past 72 hours, Marley has cryed, wined, thrown a fit, thrown herself all over the floor, has self inflicted her body, for about 50 hours. it has been a hard few days, moments that i thought to myself i don't think i can do this on my own, but i get threw it because of Marley's kisses and hugs. Marley knows when I'm angry with her and that's when she starts laying the kisses on me, and i turn into a puddle of love for my sometimes obnoxious child.

Every time i say no to Marley she freaks, and sometimes she freaks for a reason that i am not aware of. Part of it might be because the girls are going back to school so we are waking up earlier and i don't think Marley has adjusted back to that fully, trying to get back into the routine of naps. But i also think she is stepping into the terrible 2's phase. I'm hoping things get a little better when we are good and back on the routine fully.

Some great things that are going on with Marley is her brain. I'm 100% sure this is why her head is so large. Her doctor has said herself that Marley is ahead for her age when it comes to speech, the average 1-2 year old is saying around 5 words besides mom and dad. Marley is saying probably close to 20 words and is saying a few sentences here and there as well. But the biggest think that lots of people are saying is advanced for her age is that she can count from 1-10 all on her own. Now she cant tell you what number is what, but she can count, and I'm so proud of her she is getting smarter everyday, i think it might be because she is finally eating vitamins. (Thanks Nana).

I'm also sort of trying to potty train Marley, its been difficult sticking with it but i am trying. I bought her a princess potty that she loves. She will sit on it with he pants on, but if you take her pants and diaper off and put her on the toilet all Hell brakes lose, she starts freaking out. I have gotten some advice but if anyone else has some please let me know. I'm hoping i can get her to at least sit on it bottom bare by her 2nd birthday so i have a while.

Other than those few minors but one big Plus, Marley is doing great she is getting big and i love being around her she makes anyone and everyone laugh and in a better mood when she is around, and i cant wait to see what she will do next.

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