Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween night was lots of fun. We drove to daddy's house to go trick-or- treating with some of Marley cousins. Adrien who was Peter Pan, and his sister Alexa who was Tinker Bell. They had a ton of fun together. Alexa taught Marley what a bat said, so Marley was running around at one point before we left saying "Ekk Ekk Ekk" she was very scary. I did not dress up yes i know I'm boring, But Mando did. He painted his face along with his sister as Day of the dead people they both did a really good job. When Marley first saw them she was scared and ran away from them, but as they talked to her she got use to it and was okay.( it was funny)
We went Trick -or-Treating in a Navy housing community so there was a ton of people and a ton of houses to hit up. With all of her practice Marley was a pro now at saying Trick-or-Treat, and she did great, even at the scarier houses. She was very brave at a particular house. They had there pet snake out for the kids to touch and see, I took Marley up to were the snake was and at first she was scared but when she saw me touch it she touched the snake as well, a couple times. She liked it a lot, actually she did not want to leave the snake. I was quite surprised. Marley started to get tired before her cousins were down so we left early, but Marley still did good on the candy, she got plenty enough for herself.
The Kids
Daddy and Marley
Mommy and Marley
Why im i the only one smiling
Alexa aka Tinkerbell
Adrien aka Peter Pan
Cutest Batarina EVER
Dumping ou the goods
Sooo much Candy

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