Saturday, July 30, 2011

Rowynne and Marley

Meygen and Rowynne came to visit us for a while and Marley and Rowynne had some of the best times together. Unfortunately Marley taught Rowynne how to be a little mean so baby # 2 better watch out cause Rowynne knows some things now. haha But the girls had tons of fun together. one particular time that makes me lsugh just thinking about it was, one day the girls were playing very nicely in the bedroom while all the adults where in the kitchen area. We could not see the girls but we could hear them. All of a sudden we hear Water running and Marley's big gut laugh, and then Rowynne's gut laugh. and they just continued taking turns laughing over and over again. We new something picture worthy must be happening so we got our cameras and tip toed into the bathroom. There we see the tub going, and Marley and Rowynne in the bathtub fully dressed. splashing and jumping into the water. poor Rowynne eve had socks on, it was soo funny. You could tell they were just having the time of there lives. They have so much funny together i wish Rowynne could live closer.

While Marley was also in the tub, she decided it would be fun to jump up and fall on her bum. Rowynne was getting a kick out of it so Marley kept doing it. I told Marley to stop because i new she would hurt herself, but of course she did not listen and her next jump in the air her mouth hit the tub and she started screaming. I looked at her mouth thinking she probably bit her lip again like she usually does when she hits her mouth, but this time it was not her lip, it was her tooth. There was a little blood coming from her gums, and a small piece of her tooth missing. Yup Marley chipped her tooth, so now we are waiting patiently to see if it turns brown, not sure how long that it takes a tooth to turn brown but I'm hoping it does not happen to Marley, i don't want her to have a missing tooth for the next 2-3 years. Hopefully now she will listen when i tell her to stop, but most likely not.

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